According to the World Migration Report 2024, there is approximately 281 million international migrants in the world which equates to 3.6% of the global population. But despite being essential contributors to the global economy, the prevailing neoliberal framework has rendered them among the most exploited and oppressed workers worldwide. Migrant workers endure low wages, denial […]
CSO Development Effectiveness traces its roots from the idea of aid effectiveness. The latter is about donors’ conversation on how to harmonize aid in many countries. Donors defined aid effectiveness in terms of ownership, accountability, management for development results, and harmonization. This paradigm was challenged by many CSOs specifically on the point of ownership of […]
“The consequences of mega-FTAs on trade, labor and employment is much shown in many developing countries where, in order to maintain competitiveness, must adhere to “lowest common denominator rules” rather than meeting the highest possible standards. Recent developments in trade liberalization have permitted monopoly capitalists to dictate the cheapest value of labor and other production facilities, thereby disregarding decent standards, to accumulate bigger profit.”
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