Today is the 73rd Anniversary of the US bombing of Hiroshima

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Today we commemorate the 73rd year since the bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. The death toll in the first hours after the bomb was dropped is estimated at 75,000 to 80,000. Many of those who survived the immediate blast died shortly afterwards from fatal burns and other serious complications caused by radiation. This […]

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AP CSOs call for inclusion of development justice in post-2015 declaration

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20 February 2015 Contact: Eni Lestari Migrants Constituency, AP Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism Chairperson, International Migrants Alliance Include develop justice into this declaration – if not, please tell me where I should go to achieve it. This was the challenge posed by Eni Lestari, chairperson of the International Migrants Alliance (IMA) and member of the […]

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Communique | Asia Pacific People’s conference on development justice

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NOTE: This Communique is the outcome of the Asia Pacific People’s Conference on Development Justice: APRN Biennial Conference 2014. You may also download the document here: APRN Conference on Development Justice – Communique. We, coming from 65 organizations from 16 countries across Asia– from Australia, Bangladesh, China and Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, […]

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