APRN Research Conference 2019 compendium

By APRN | August 31, 2021

The Research Conference 2019 compendium is finally available! The People’s Resistance in a Multipolar World: Research Case Studies on Militarization and Conflicts in Asia Pacific is a compilation of studies made by People’s Organizations across the region.

It has two main sections:

(a) geopolitical & geo-economic dimensions of a multipolar world, and;

(b) people’s resistance and the continuing struggle for just peace

Find out how growing tensions between hegemonies affect the Asia Pacific from the people themselves.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Get the downloadable soft copy version here

๐Ÿ‘‰ For hard copy requests, please email us at: vjuliano@aprnet.org

๐Ÿ‘‰ Official RCon 2019 book launch

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