Everyone is invited to attend APRN’s Forum Workshop on War and Militarism, co-organized with the Arab NGO Network for Development, IBON International, the International League for People’s Struggles and the Africa People’s Research Network. March 26, 2015 | 15:00 – 18:00, CPDE Tent
To download PDF version, click here The Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) welcomes the positive elements of the European Commission’s Communication A Global Partnership for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development after 2015. The network recognizes the renewed commitment of the EU to sustainable development and inclusive growth, which are the cornerstones of the post-2015 Sustainable […]
20 February 2015 Contact: Eni Lestari Migrants Constituency, AP Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism Chairperson, International Migrants Alliance Include develop justice into this declaration – if not, please tell me where I should go to achieve it. This was the challenge posed by Eni Lestari, chairperson of the International Migrants Alliance (IMA) and member of the […]
This is a double issue of the APRN Newsletter, containing the 3rd and 4rth quarter. In this issue, the network’s Biennial Conference and General Council Meeting are featured, as well as actions at the PGA in New York and at the Climate Summit in Lima, Peru. Enjoy reading and Season’s Greetings!
NOTE: This Communique is the outcome of the Asia Pacific People’s Conference on Development Justice: APRN Biennial Conference 2014. You may also download the document here: APRN Conference on Development Justice – Communique. We, coming from 65 organizations from 16 countries across Asia– from Australia, Bangladesh, China and Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, […]
More than 1400 lives, of which 80% are civilians, have been claimed and 8,000 more were injured by the recent Israeli attacks against Palestinians in the Gaza strip. The body count is expected to rise as Israel intensifies its assaults on Hamas militants who are allegedly using unarmed civilians as cover. While the carnage continues, […]
This issue of the APRN Newsletter contains news, and updates on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) and the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda, and an invitation to the Asia Pacific People’s Conference on Development Justice: The APRN Biennial Conference 2014.
YANGON, Myanmar—On March 24 and 25, Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) and Reality of Aid Asia Pacific (ROA-AP) organized a two-day training workshop designed to introduce Aid and Development Effectiveness (ADE) and the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness to Burmese CSOs and non-local organizations participating at the ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN People’s Forum (ACSC/APF). The […]
This issue of the APRN Newsletter contains news about the recently concluded ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ ASEAN People’s Forum (ACSC/APF) held last March in Yangon, Myanmar, and the First High Level Meeting of the Global Partnership on Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) held last April in Mexico City.
This issue contains news from network members from October to December 2013 . It also contains updates and declarations on the recently concluded WTO Bali Ministerial and COP 19 of the UNFCCC.
The Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) celebrated its 15th year of doing research for and with the people’s movements through a series of activities at the People’s Global Camp (PGC) against the World Trade Organization in Bali, Indonesia. The PGC is a counterpoint to the WTO MC9 which ran from December 3 to 7. APRN […]
This issue contains regional, and national news and updates from July to September 2013. It also contains updates from our members’ activities and issues during the period.
This issue covers regional, national, and network news and updates from April to June 2013. It also features APRN activities during this quarter including the CPDE Global Training of Trainers on CSO DE, the network’s participation to the Global Power Shift in Turkey and its statement on the ADB Annual Governor’s Meeting.
This issue covers regional, national, and network news and issues from January to March 2013. It also features APRN’s campaign on Trade and Development, with special focus on the World Trade Organization, in the run up to its Ministerial Meeting in Bali, Indonesia on December. Also, there are articles on different events and issues from […]
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