Illusion of Development


Speech delivered by Mary Ann Castillo during “Unpacking the Summit of the Future” discussion held on 27 September 2024. The discussion was geared towards an analysis of SDGs, UN’s Summit of the Future and development from the perspective of people from the ground. Ms. Castillo is the president of Nexperia Philippines Inc Workers Union, a […]

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Access to food is severely limited by profit-taking by the world’s elite


World Hunger Day, or World Food Day according to the UN, is celebrated annually on 16 October to celebrate the founding of the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). With this year’s theme of “Right to foods for a better life and a better future”,  it is more proper to commemorate “World Hunger Day” to […]

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The Peace Day in the lens of the Filipino people


September 21 is International Day of Peace. This is a commemorative date designated by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in 1981 to signify their commitment to “strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.” Incidentally, September 21 for the Filipino people means something entirely different. This day in 1972 […]

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[APRN Discussion Series] On imperialism and wars of aggression


Imperialism and wars of aggression: A case of 4 countries[1] INTRODUCTION Since the advent of civilization, the pursuit of economic and political power has led to the imposition and enforcement of authority over people and territories. This phenomenon, with eternal recurrence in the history of humankind, brought ‘states’ to existence. States of colossal economic, political, […]

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Zooming in on the US Empire’s unconditional support to Israel


“…the US treats Israel as its most indispensable accomplice in ensuring its economic and political interests in West Asia and North Africa (WANA); even though it has numerous and formidable allies in the region. Likewise, Israel needs US’ support because of its notorious actions against Palestinians and the wars it launched against neighboring countries which […]

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27 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about climate change


The earth’s climate is drastically changing. Human-induced warming and extreme weather conditions are real and occurring more frequently than over the last 10,000 years. We are experiencing a climate crisis of catastrophic proportions due to the inexorable plunder of the environment. Thus, we are answering some of the most frequently asked questions about climate change […]

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What’s Next for Sri Lanka?


Sri Lanka, a middle-income nation by World Bank standards, has descended into a crisis so severe that it is unable to afford to feed its citizens, provide the necessary fuel for production, or maintain its institutions.  In a matter of months, a political crisis erupted and culminated in the dramatic resignation of now-former President Rajapaksa […]

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[Explainer] What does a Marcos presidency mean for the Filipinos and the world?


The Philippines, a US neo-colony in Southeast Asia, had just concluded its presidential elections, and the results are deeply troubling. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, Jr., son of the ousted dictator Marcos, has claimed victory. With the majority of the ballots counted, Marcos garnered an overwhelming 31 million votes – more than double that of rival Leni […]

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The fight for climate justice


The case of the NASA scientists and three other protesters arrested for staging a protest in front of Chase Bank last April 6, is a concrete manifestation that climate activists are increasingly facing repression. Instead of taking accountability for this ecological catastrophe, advanced capitalist countries continue to intimidate, threaten, harass, and worse, kill environmental defenders […]

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What’s not being said about the Ukraine Conflict

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War, no matter how geographically distant, persistently affects you and your community. Case in point is how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is rocking the global economy. Prices of oil, wheat, and other basic commodities skyrocket as a result of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and sanctions imposed by the West. That being said, economies and peoples around […]

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How do you explain the People Power uprising to a toddler?


My 3-year-old daughter recently asked me “What is People Power?” and quickly followed by another question–“why don’t we have class on Friday?” I am in awe that my child is so inquisitive about so many things.  To be honest, it took me some time to think of a simple answer. Would it even be possible […]

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Genuine human rights and just peace

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On the 10th of December 1948, the United Nations’ General Assembly approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) which we now commemorate as International Human Rights day. Human rights refer to the universal, intrinsic, and inalienable rights granted to all individuals regardless of nationality, sex, ethnicity, race, or social status.[1] Yet, history has witnessed […]

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Health workers in Asia: A fightback against systemic exploitation amid pandemic


Why honoring them as Herculean figures in the global fight against the coronavirus is not enough Despite their heroic efforts to save lives amidst the pandemic, health workers in Asia  remain grappling with lower wages, inhumane working conditions, and lack of material support from their governments. The year 2021 was designated by the World Health […]

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On the implications of Kamala Harris’ SEA visit


On August 22-26, 2021, Vice President Kamala Harris visited Singapore and Vietnam with the so-called aim of strengthening economic cooperation between nations.¹ These state appointments are  nothing but doubletalk hiding behind diplomacy. Testament to this is the fact that lopsided trade deals, aid conditionalities, and military interventions are usually preceded by these visits. After former […]

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The real state of the nation


On July 26, Philippine President Duterte held his final State of the Nation Address (SONA). This annual event features a nationwide public broadcast of the President discussing the challenges, priorities, and aspirations of the national government for the following year. On paper, the SONA serves to inform the public of the country’s progress. However, in […]

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Today is the 73rd Anniversary of the US bombing of Hiroshima

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Today we commemorate the 73rd year since the bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. The death toll in the first hours after the bomb was dropped is estimated at 75,000 to 80,000. Many of those who survived the immediate blast died shortly afterwards from fatal burns and other serious complications caused by radiation. This […]

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US-Israeli partnership and the Palestinian genocide

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More than 1400 lives, of which 80% are civilians, have been claimed and 8,000 more were injured by the recent Israeli attacks against Palestinians in the Gaza strip. The body count is expected to rise as Israel intensifies its assaults on Hamas militants who are allegedly using unarmed civilians as cover. While the carnage continues, […]

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