On March 2016, the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) in coordination with the CPDE Working Group on CSO Development Effectiveness (CSO DE WG) and the Asia Pacific Research Network will conduct the conference on the Istanbul +7. 2010 marked the historic adoption of the Istanbul Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness by almost 200 CSOs from 82 countries representing various constituencies.
These Principles constitute a statement of common values and approaches to guide CSO work, adaptable to highly diverse country contexts and different CSO approaches. Seven years down the line, civil society has made strides in improving their effectiveness and accountability. At the second High Level Meeting (HLM2) of the Global Partnership for Development Effectiveness (GPEDC), CSOs have committed to strengthen their implementation of the Istanbul Principles, particularly those relating to transparency, mutual accountability, country-level ownership of initiatives, including participation, empowerment, and the pursuit of equitable partnerships. CSOs also face the challenge of further stepping up their initiatives on the Istanbul Principles to further contribute to effective development cooperation in the context of the Agenda 2030. The Istanbul Principles 7 years after is envisioned as a space to infuse renewed energy into civil society effectiveness and accountability. It is envisaged as a space for CSOs to reflect on their victories, assess the new landscape, and together, chart common strategies and mobilize constituencies to advance the gains that CSOs have achieved in being recognized as development actors in their own right, and also to strengthen efforts in improving the effectiveness and quality of CSO development work.
The conference will be held in Bangkok, Thailand on March 30-31, 2017. In line with this, APRN welcomes proposals and methodological notes from interested parties who can support the event in attaining the objectives of the initiative. You can download the TOR of the CSO Days on Istanbul+7 Events Consultant here. The TOR details the scope of work and responsibilities of the consultant for your reference. We will greatly appreciate receiving your proposals on or before EOB CET of February 9, 2017. Kindly submit them to Ma. Theresa Lauron (tlauron@arpnet.org) and Andrew Zarate (azarate@aprnet.org).
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