Fisherfolk, CSOs manifest opposition vs recent WTO fisheries deal


Research network launches comprehensive briefer on agreement on fisheries subsidy  Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), fisherfolk groups, and rural poor advocates gather together to oppose the newly adopted World Trade Organization (WTO) deal on fisheries subsidies. The online event led by Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN), National Federation of Small Fisherfolk Organizations-PAMALAKAYA Pilipinas, and People’s Coalition […]

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[WEBINAR] WTO fishing in troubled waters


The global fishing industry has grown exponentially in the past decades. But just like other industries that have grown under “globalization”, it is dominated by transnational corporations, multilateral institutions, and trade blocs such as the WTO, EU, OECD, and TPPA that are hell-bent on imposing trade-related measures in their crusade against IUUF and overfishing. Measures […]

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End hunger! Support the fight for people’s food sovereignty amid food and climate catastrophe!


APRN Statement on World Hunger Day 2022 Forty-one years since World Food Day was first observed by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UN FAO) member states, the crisis of hunger and malnutrition remains ever-worsening. Millions experience food insecurity and inadequacy leading to malnutrition and death, especially among the working poor of the Global […]

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Stop greenwashing! Cancel odious debt to countries under distress!


APRN Statement on ADB’s 55th Annual Governor’s Meeting 2022 The ADB held its 55th Annual Governor’s Meeting (AGM) in Manila, with the theme “Positioning Climate Resilient Green Economy for the Post COVID-19 World.” This gathering aims to discuss the financing of decarbonization and other infrastructure projects to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Ironically, the AGM is […]

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[Philippines] Rise of fascist regimes in Asia Pacific


Updated: September 2023 In the last decades, Asia Pacific is witness to a growing number of closed autocratic regimes. First featured in our Rise of Fascist Regimes series is the Philippines. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, Jr., son of the ousted dictator Marcos, became president through an election defined by gross deception campaigns and marred with anomalies, […]

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[WEBINAR] People’s fightback on debt crisis and stagflation in Asia Pacific


The Asia-Pacific is facing the worst economic crisis since the 1980’s: the debt crisis, stagnant economy, and high inflation in basic commodities. But this crisis generates resistance among the working people across the region, even in the face of fascist regimes.

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Research group calls for climate justice, urgent support for the victims of catastrophic flooding in Pakistan


Plunder by US,  industrialized countries responsible for the 33 million flood-stricken, homeless Pakistanis says APRN The Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) calls for urgent support for the people of Pakistan after the devastating flash floods affecting 15% of its population. The months’ worth of monsoon rains that have been more than 300% than normal has […]

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People’s fightback on debt crisis and stagflation in Asia Pacific


The Asia-Pacific is facing the worst economic crisis since the 1980’s: the debt crisis, stagnant economy, and high inflation in basic commodities. But this crisis generates resistance among the working people across the region, even in the face of fascist regimes. We invite you to join the “People’s Fightback on Debt Crisis and Stagflation in […]

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[WEBINAR] The Perfect Storm: Debt Crisis, Stagflation, and People’s Fightback


The Global South is now facing a new danger: the deadly concoction of Debt, stagnant growth and inflation. The burden of the pandemic on the working people is now more than ever as prices of basic commodities continue to skyrocket, and economic collapse is already upon some countries. We invite you to join The Perfect […]

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The perfect storm: Debt crisis, stagflation, and peoples’ fightback


The Global South is now facing a new danger: the deadly concoction of Debt, stagnant growth and inflation. The burden of the pandemic on the working people is now more than ever as prices of basic commodities continue to skyrocket, and economic collapse is already upon some countries. We invite you to join The Perfect […]

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APRN Newsletter – 2nd Quarter 2022


What’s inside: and many more!

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What’s Next for Sri Lanka?


Sri Lanka, a middle-income nation by World Bank standards, has descended into a crisis so severe that it is unable to afford to feed its citizens, provide the necessary fuel for production, or maintain its institutions.  In a matter of months, a political crisis erupted and culminated in the dramatic resignation of now-former President Rajapaksa […]

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Stand with the people of Myanmar! Denounce the execution of activists and rights defenders!


[Trigger Warning: killings and dehumanization] The Asia-Pacific Research Network (APRN) registers its condemnation on the execution of four activists by the Myanmar military dictatorship last July 25. Reports say that the victims namely Kyaw Min Yu, Phyo Zeyar Thaw, Hla Myo Aung, and Aung Thura Zaw were accused of “aiding armed rebels,” which according to […]

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[LIVE VIDEO] People Against Imperialist Wars Press Conference


The Asia-Pacific peoples are making a stand for peace. They are saying no to all wars of aggression and conflicts as outright and covert maneuvers of superpowers escalate in the region. The aggressive creation of military and political alliances such as QUAD, AUKUS, and the reinvigorated Indo-Pacific Shift pose threats to stability in the region. […]

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NATO: Imperialist War Machine


How is this unequal relationship maintained? More importantly, how is NATO an irreplaceable component of US foreign policy and military supremacy over its spheres of influence? Why do we say that US imperialism would not exist without NATO and that NATO only exists as a vehicle for US imperialism in Europe and around the world?

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[Explainer] What does a Marcos presidency mean for the Filipinos and the world?


The Philippines, a US neo-colony in Southeast Asia, had just concluded its presidential elections, and the results are deeply troubling. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, Jr., son of the ousted dictator Marcos, has claimed victory. With the majority of the ballots counted, Marcos garnered an overwhelming 31 million votes – more than double that of rival Leni […]

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The fight for climate justice


The case of the NASA scientists and three other protesters arrested for staging a protest in front of Chase Bank last April 6, is a concrete manifestation that climate activists are increasingly facing repression. Instead of taking accountability for this ecological catastrophe, advanced capitalist countries continue to intimidate, threaten, harass, and worse, kill environmental defenders […]

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CSO Development Effectiveness – Southeast Asia Training [Teaser]


The Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN), in partnership with People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty – Global is holding the CSO DE subregional trainings this coming year as part of the APRN program titled “Building Capacity of CSOs/POs in Claiming their Right to Development and Sustainable Development.” This training will seek to gather CSOs and POs […]

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How do you explain the People Power uprising to a toddler?


My 3-year-old daughter recently asked me “What is People Power?” and quickly followed by another question–“why don’t we have class on Friday?” I am in awe that my child is so inquisitive about so many things.  To be honest, it took me some time to think of a simple answer. Would it even be possible […]

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Advocacy & Engagement Training 2.0


This 2022, we continue to contribute to the capacity building of civil society and people’s organizations. APRN and its partner organization’s presents 2022 Advocacy and Engagement Training. This series of trainings aims for CSOs and POs to explore best practices, advocate, and organize effectively in the current and post-pandemic era. For more information, contact us […]

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Health workers in Asia: A fightback against systemic exploitation amid pandemic


Why honoring them as Herculean figures in the global fight against the coronavirus is not enough Despite their heroic efforts to save lives amidst the pandemic, health workers in Asia  remain grappling with lower wages, inhumane working conditions, and lack of material support from their governments. The year 2021 was designated by the World Health […]

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On the implications of Kamala Harris’ SEA visit


On August 22-26, 2021, Vice President Kamala Harris visited Singapore and Vietnam with the so-called aim of strengthening economic cooperation between nations.¹ These state appointments are  nothing but doubletalk hiding behind diplomacy. Testament to this is the fact that lopsided trade deals, aid conditionalities, and military interventions are usually preceded by these visits. After former […]

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Five Pillars of Development Justice 2.0


CSOs and grassroots representatives from the Asia and the Pacific region have gathered to discuss the current state-of-play of the region in the time of COVID-19, the progress and implementation of Agenda 2030, and the peoples’ goals towards transformative and genuine change. The Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism (APRCEM) is holding its annual Peoples’ […]

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Regional Training of Trainers on People’s Research


The Asia Pacific Research Network, through its project with the European Commission, encouraged participants from the Regional Training of Trainers on People’s Research (RTOT) last February 2023 to accomplish the research designs they developed during the said training. Having completed their people’s research, APRN compiled the research outputs into a compendium for publication and distribution. […]

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