JOIN the “A Future Without WTO” campaign of People Over Profit!
A Future Without WTO: Advance the Peoples Trade Agenda (a webinar)
June 3, 2022 | 20:00 Jakarta
For more info:…/a.16013870…/2851043715196770/
Global Day of Action for a Future without WTO!
June 12, 2022 | 20:00 Jakarta
HERE’s HOW YOU CAN participate:
Send us a video or photo expressing why we need to JUNK WTO your solidarity to workers and farmers affected by WTO your vision of a peoples trade agenda and your mass actions against WTO MC 12, on or before 9 June 2022.
For your mass actions against WTO, please coordinate with the POP secretariat.
Use the hashtags: #AFutureWithoutWTO#PeoplesTradeAgenda#PeopleOverProfit
Use the calls:
Drop the patents! Scrap TRIPS!
People over profit!
Junk WTO!
We want a future without WTO!
Advance the peoples trade agenda!
Resist neoliberal trade! Fight imperialist globalization!
WTO out of fisheries! End the global plunder of our seas!
Defend our jobs and livelihood now!
Dismantle the WTO and end corporate-led trade!
Take the monopolies and the TNCs out of our lives!
You may send your video or selfie to or send us a message here on Facebook on or before 9 June 2022.
“Assert Peoples’ Trade Agenda! Dismantle the WTO!” sign-on statement
Contact the POP Secretariat at
You can watch the replay here
APRN is working everyday to advance genuine development and social change. But we can’t do it without you.
You can help us in amplifying the campaigns and advocacies of workers, farmers, migrants, indigenous peoples, women and children in Asia-Pacific
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